Aug 8, 2023 | HVAC Maintenance
Fall is a beautiful time of year– leaves changing and eventually falling to the ground below. Of course, it’s great to enjoy the season’s transformation as temperatures begin to cool and the world takes on a new colorful appearance; however, it’s important to be aware...
Jul 17, 2023 | HVAC Maintenance
Nothing really rivals the special type of joy that only pets can bring to our lives. They can help us manage stress, provide companionship, and make life so much more fun. All that being said, pets also come with responsibility and– let’s face it– a lot of shedding...
Mar 9, 2023 | HVAC Maintenance
You never realize how important a working HVAC unit is until it breaks. The best way to protect yourself from finding this out is with an HVAC annual service nearby that you can trust. We at Keith Heating & Air are here to help with that. Keep your bills low with...
Jun 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
It’s summertime in the south, and you know what that means– hot temps, high humidity, and–if all goes to plan– a blasting AC to keep you comfortable throughout it all. That said, if you don’t prioritize regular HVAC maintenance, it’s possible that you could run into...